We have Sandhya Menon with us this week! A refreshing new voice in young adult fiction, her debut, "When Dimple Met Rishi", is a charming romantic comedy that celebrates first love, and at the core, explores one’s own independence and voice in the world. Click here for Sandhya's shownotes page!

As you’ll learn in our conversation, Sandhya moved from India when she was 15 years old and she shares how she adapted to her new surroundings in America, and how she was able to draw from those experiences for her book. Sandhya shares in detail how the idea of “When Dimple Met Rishi” was originally pitched to her by her editor.

Sandhya walks us through how indie publishing brought the world of traditional publishing to her, and how her agent discovered her.  You’ll also learn how Youtube and Pinterest played critical roles in Sandhya’s research for the setting of her book. We also discuss arranged marriages and what it was like for us to date when we were growing up. This is a really fun episode and I’m so excited for you to hear it.

Say "Hi" to Sandhya on Twitter by clicking here.

Happy listening!



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“OWN voice is people. We’re not a monolith. There are so many different experiences.” -Sandhya Menon (Click to Tweet)

“It was a conscious and constant dialogue that I had to have with myself and just say ‘Hey, just do your best and let it go’.” -Sandhya Menon (Click to Tweet)

“We contain multitudes just like the people who have been getting those stories. It’s okay for us to not have ‘the issue’ book.” -Sandhya Menon (Click to Tweet)


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WHAT YOU'LL LEARN FROM THIS EPISODE: How avoiding the query trenches led her to indie publishing How indie publishing brought the world of book-length publishing to Sandhya Sandhya shares how her literary agent discovered her through her indie published contemporary adult novel on Amazon How the idea of "When Dimple Met Rishi" was pitched to Sandhya by her editor How Youtube and pinterest played critical roles in her research for the setting in her book We discuss arranged marriages and dating


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