I know several months have passed since our last show, so today we get you caught up on things around Hawaii. Big topic of discussion of course is the recent invents surrounding the HTA Executive Director Rex Johnson. We explain a few of the details regarding the request by many for him to resign or [...]

I know several months have passed since our last show, so today we get you caught up on things around Hawaii. Big topic of discussion of course is the recent invents surrounding the HTA Executive Director Rex Johnson. We explain a few of the details regarding the request by many for him to resign or for the HTA Board of Directors to let him go. Of course wonderful music included in todays show and another reminder about Podcamp Hawaii and how you can use it to your advantage to see Hawaii while learning some wonderful things and meeting some amazing people. Voice your opinion in the poll below regarding the HTA Director after reading the articles and listening to the show. As always, remember we love to hear from our wonderful 808Talk listeners so be sure and leave us a comment below.

Featured Sponsors:

Assisted Living Hawaii & Pearl Harbor Memorial

Intro Music By Darin Leong (Buy: iTunes)

Sponsored By Hawaii Vacations by Expedia.com and Hilo Hattie

Fly Hawaiian Airlines for inter-island and U.S. West Coast travel

Show Length: 30:23

00:19 Intro
01:46 Nominate 808Talk For The Podcast Awards – Sep. 15-30, 2008
02:46 Hawaii News

Commemorating 50 Years Of The 50th State
Hawaii Starts To Ban Plastic Bags
Sandy Beach LOVE
Hawaii Foods Delivering Nutrition With Aloha
Bye Bye June Jones It’s The Coach Mack Show
808TTV E.85 – All Around Hawaii (ANIMOTO)

12:58 “Beautiful Island Princess” By O-Shen (Buy: iTunes)
16:32 HTA Executive Director Rex Johnson. Stay or Go?

HTA board sets meeting to decide Rex Johnson’s fate
HTA Sets Date For Special Meeting on Rex’s Future
Senator Slom Comments on HTA Director YouTube Video

23:37 “You Make Me Feel” By Cubworld (More On This Album)
27:06 Podcamp Hawaii October 24-25, 2008 (Hawaii Convention Center Honolulu)
29:44 Closing (Forum, Vote, APN, HAP, 808TTV, Flickr, YouTube)

Listen: 808T E.134 – 09/21/2008 (27.9MB)

Should HTA Executive Director Rex Johnson Be Fired?



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