Ever heard of Makapu’u on the island of Oahu? Chances are, if you’ve been to Oahu or live on Oahu, then you have. But now let me ask you if you’ve ever heard of the Makapu’u tide pools or maybe you have and maybe you even seen it from the top of Makapu’u but never [...]

Ever heard of Makapu’u on the island of Oahu? Chances are, if you’ve been to Oahu or live on Oahu, then you have. But now let me ask you if you’ve ever heard of the Makapu’u tide pools or maybe you have and maybe you even seen it from the top of Makapu’u but never got the chance to take the trip down the mountain side to visit.

Well today that all changes, because WE take you there! Still it’s not exactly the same as experiencing it yourself, but let us give you a brief tour and then you can decide whether or not to take the plunge and dive into this adventure for yourself.

A few little tips we want to share if you do decide to accept this adventure.

Bring food and lots of water
Sunscreen or tanning lotion is a great item to have
Swimsuit, towel and maybe even a blow up pillow to relax on
Try not to visit if chance of rain – causes a huge waterfall down the mountain side
Have your cell phone. Not all services work – Verizon is good but AT&T no good
Tell someone you know that you’re going there – in case something happens
Observe the tide pools and waves – gives you a feel of what to expect during surge
On your way back up, just follow the spray painted orange and white arrows
Last, bring a friend and a camera – its an experience to remember

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Cindy Combs: www.slackkeylady.com

Cindy Combs On iTunes: http://tr.im/sunnyrain

Video Length: 04:52 (55.1MB)

Pictures: Makapu’u Tide Pools

Location: Makapu’u Point – Oahu, Hawaii Map

Watch: 808TTV E.87 – 01/11/2009

YouTube: 808Talk Hawaii: Visiting Makapu’u Tide Pools