Aether Revolt pre-release is about to happen, and there’s so much to learn. Two-thirds of the 7LH MTG team jump into the pod while the other third sequins his speedos in Acapulco*. We pick through notable rares and mythics, Aaron leaves us ten AER cards that conceal three bad cards… Continue reading

Aether Revolt pre-release is about to happen, and there’s so much to learn. Two-thirds of the 7LH MTG team jump into the pod while the other third sequins his speedos in Acapulco*. We pick through notable rares and mythics, Aaron leaves us ten AER cards that conceal three bad cards – can you pick the duds? We talk about the latest banned cards, there’s crazy combos, an MTG card quiz, flavour text, hot garbage, <breath>, week in geek…umm, Neets and Twooze…

Best of luck at the pre-release!!!!

‘Team Roy Batty 2017’

This episode brought to you by: Good Games

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Next Episode: 7LandHand: Blood Rage.

Next release date: 30th January 2017.

*He’s not in Acapulco.