It’s the 3rd Annual 7LandHand Beer & Pizza Show. Live (on tape…which is a hard-drive) from the Cannington Good Games Ballroom. You’d think blending Matt and Kai would result in a Mai Tai. Yet no, this cocktail is a podcast of 2016 games in review and 2017 games in preview.… Continue reading

It’s the 3rd Annual 7LandHand Beer & Pizza Show. Live (on tape…which is a hard-drive) from the Cannington Good Games Ballroom. You’d think blending Matt and Kai would result in a Mai Tai. Yet no, this cocktail is a podcast of 2016 games in review and 2017 games in preview. We do Hot Scarbage, a play on our usual segment: Hot Garbage. The whole thing is framed by one of Matt’s classic quizzes.

Apologies for the lack of crowd mic, this will be resolved next year. Speaking of next year, keep the Beer & Pizza show in mind. We hope to expand these live shows and invite more of our regular listeners along to celebrate the year that was.

This episode brought to you by: Good Games

…join the discussion on all things gaming on our Facebook page.

Next Episode: 7LandHand: New Angeles.

Next release date: 2nd January 2017.