Picture this…eighty-four times over. It’s DIXIT so full of images, so full of easy to learn, gateway game goodness. This old classic gets it’s 7LH airing, we hear about Matt’s colossal Star Trek challenge, Netflix news, Handmaid misery and wrap it all up so that the Magic team can get… Continue reading

Picture this…eighty-four times over. It’s DIXIT so full of images, so full of easy to learn, gateway game goodness. This old classic gets it’s 7LH airing, we hear about Matt’s colossal Star Trek challenge, Netflix news, Handmaid misery and wrap it all up so that the Magic team can get on a plane to the Sydney MTG GP tomorrow. Get the password to pick up a cheap DIXIT.

This episode brought to you by Good Games
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Next episode: 7LandHand Extra: ElectrodominanceU
Next release date: February 11th 2019.