Can You Have Your Medical Marijuana Card & Your Concealed Carry Weapons Permit? | 710 Morning Show | February 24, 2021


The #1 question we get about marijuana is about guns. “Can I have my MMJ card and my CCW permit?” The question sparks A LOT of confusion and strong opinions. So let’s get into it. Marijuana and guns. The feds say you can’t have both (but they also say you can’t have marijuana at all). The state of Florida says you can have both. Is there a difference between having a CCW and owning guns? Is there a difference between having your MMJ card and having marijuana? What if you have to use your gun?


Today on the 710 Morning Show... Marijuana & Guns. Join us LIVE at 7:10am et every weekday. #floridacannabiscoalition#710morningshow​ Cannabis concealed carry permit - cannabis CCW - medical marijuana concealed carry - Florida concealed carry