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In today's tale of pentest pwnage I got to try some tools and tricks for the first time! Here are the key points/takeaways from this test:

It's great to have additional goals to achieve in a network pentest outside of just "get DA"

PayloadsAllTheThings has a great section on Active Directory attacks

Using mitm6 and ntlmrelayx is now my new favorite thing thanks to The Cyber Mentor's fantastic video showing us exactly how to launch this attack!

If you're scared of running mitm6 and accidentally knocking folks off your network, setup your Kali box to reboot in a few minutes just to be safe. Do something like:

shutdown -r +15 "Rebooting in 15 minutes just in case I mitm6 myself right off this box!"

When mitm6+ntlmrelay dumps out a series of html/json files with lists of users, groups, etc., read through them! Sometimes they can include user passwords in the comment fields!

Use crackmapexec smb IP.OF.DOMAIN.CONTROLLER -u username -p password to verify if your domain creds are good!

There are a bunch of people I need to thank because their tools/encouragement/advice played a part in making the test successful. See today's show notes on for more info!