Join us for an electrifying episode as we delve into the innovative world of social media with Josh Gapp and Colin, the masterminds behind RYFFC. This cutting-edge platform offers a unique twist that's sure to revolutionize how we connect online. Discover the inside scoop on RYFFC and get ready to be inspired!

Plus, we've got a special treat for your ears: singer-songwriter Zak Tindal's latest single, 'I Can Feel It in My Chest,' sets the perfect vibe for this episode. Don't miss out on this mesmerizing track!

Ready to dive in? Don't wait any longer – go download RYFFC's new app and embark on a journey of digital discovery. Follow this link:

And while you're at it, show some love to Zak Tindal by following his links:

Let's make connections and music that resonate – tune in now!