I have a pleasure to introduce Laura Cepeda and Trevor Doram as my 90 Days to 5K students but today I am sharing you their success story and it's not about Real Estate.

One day through one of the events I spoke at, they joined my program 90 Days to 5K. Soon after that they were expecting a baby and their newly bought house was undergoing renovation.

After few months, Laura felt like she's lacking something in her life and one day after reading my email about how to change a paradigm they attended my three series mindset workshop.

I was studying different Mindset stuff with my coach Dave Conway, that I thought wpuld benefit them so they agreed to meet with him. And after meeting with him, they really changed their whole focus and that's why I brought Trevor and Laura to share their story with us.

Trevor and Laura are both engineers by profession and they were always interested in Real Estate. With already having rental property and house under their name, they wanted to be self employed.

It has opened the doors for them both as they found out what was missing in their life and when I introduced both of them to Dave it was a quantum leap for them.

Their life has changed like day and night.

That quantum leap has happened in their life because their mind was open to new possibilities. Trevor is now pursuing his teaching endeavor and Laura is on track to help people on their mindset issues.

As they say, the teacher will appear when the student is ready.

Now after completing Dave Conway's program Full Control Master Mind, they decided to start their own program on mindset called Arthur Oliver Consulting. (More info. to come- follow Laura Cepeda and Trevor Doram on Facebook)

Listen to the interview for more details.
