7 Figure Real Estate with Edna Keep artwork

013 Mindset - Getting your Money Mindset in the right place, are you thinking too small?

7 Figure Real Estate with Edna Keep

English - December 14, 2018 11:00 - 30 minutes - 38.1 MB - ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
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I am passionate about helping new and experienced real estate investors grow their real estate portfolios and build a passive income lifestyle that gives them greater financial options and opportunities. My vision is to empower people by educating them on financial options.

Over the last nine years, I have built my own real estate portfolio to over 520 doors with a value of $60 million. I focus on long term buy and hold, apartment buildings and multi-family units. While I continue to add doors to my portfolio (I added another 85 in 2018 alone and have another 87 under contract to close shortly), my focus is on training others to do what I have done.

I am a real estate investment coach. Multiple Ways to Wealth is a training, education and membership organization for real estate investors that I have developed. It is based on my experience, knowledge and training.

I provide training, coaching and educational resources. Through my programs, I share my real-life experience and practical knowledge. I give those in my programs access to my network of successful real estate investors to learn from their knowledge and experience.

My specialty is finding the money. I know how to find, attract and keep investors happy. I help my students attract the right investors so they can add hundreds of doors to their portfolios by investing with joint venture partners.

Living the life you desire takes work. I am a firm believer that with the right mindset and the best training we can solve our biggest problems to live the life we deserve.




Hey, hey. It's Edna Keep here. Welcome to the seven figure real estate podcast. I'm your host. I hope you enjoy the episode.

Good morning. Edna Keep here for mindset Monday.

So, as I mentioned we're going to try something new here. I've been working on mindset for a lot of years because I honestly believe that ninety percent of your success will come from mindset. I did a lot of training under Jim Rowen who's deceased now, but a very very good mentor and he used to say if you work harder on yourself than you do on your job you will be healthy, wealthy and wise. And that's what I want for you. I know that's what we're always working towards. We don't want to be wealthy and sick. We want to get to be better and better people all the time. So, I think that it's so important. And just recently we actually spent three days at a mindset retreat and it was so powerful. I've studied mindset for many many years, but I've never sat through a full three days of mindset retreat. They were long days and it was it was amazing. I took ten team members or ten people from my mastermind with me and they said too like their minds just expanded out to here, they feel like they take up more room in the world than they did before which I think such a powerful way to think. And they also feel like they're just meant to do so much more. I think one of the things that people do is they think too small. They're scared because that's what we're trained you know don't get too big for your britches right who’s heard that one before? Wealth is not all it's cut out to be. Well, I have news for you. Yes, it is and more and there's nothing wrong with going after boss. I've heard people say before “Well I'd rather love my family” or make stupid comments like that and it's like really you think wealthy people don’t love their family? Wealthy people have more time to spend with their family than the average Joe. We don't have to get babysitters on an ongoing basis to look after kids from seven in the morning till five at night and spend two hours with. So, its wealth is freeing in so many different ways. So, if it's something that you're searching for that's one of the things that I'm going to focus on is getting your money mindset in the right place.

So, one of the things that I'm going to talk about and this just is actually kind of cool I got this quote from Thomas Edison and it says “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Accordingly, a genius is often merely a talented person who did all their homework.” So again, it's about growing yourself as a person. Some of that I think some of the biggest lessons I've learned on mindset. One of the things that's really made a difference for me is spend some time meditating every day. It's so nice to get your mind focused on what you actually want to accomplish. And another is gratitude. Those are mindset things. If you are already grateful for what you have, you can get more. If you're not grateful for what you have less and less. It's like the universe is not going to give you any more if you can’t handle and appreciate what you already have.

Now, something I was reading just recently that totally made a lot of sense. They've done a lot of study on that on the science of the brain and how the brain works. And you know it's automatic for people to think a certain way. So, if your first thought when you hear stuff like this is “Oh BS, that's for you not for me or that's for other people and not for me.” That's because you've got these neural pathways in your brain that are very close together because that's always what you thought. So, when that fires between the space is very quick you don't even really think about it. It's like immediate happens so fast that if you don't pay attention you'd only realize that was the first thought that you had. So, watch that for yourself. What are some of the first things that come to your mind when you hear that kind of stuff? And a lot of it is because it's been ingrained into our brain since we were a tiny little person. And again, don't blame your parents because guess what it was ingrained into them too. So, if you want to do something different you're the one who has to make change. What analogy I heard was that you know if there's two people throwing a ball back and forth between each other and they're ten feet apart the ball goes a lot quicker than if you're one hundred feet apart. Makes sense. So, when you're thinking it's the same thing whatever we're trained on however we thought for the most of our lives it's continuous you know that path is built stronger and stronger every day.

Now if we start thinking differently and we start thinking about something that doesn't fit what we vision for ourselves right now. So, you want to own an apartment building by the end year, but you've never even allowed yourself to think about getting a rental property before. Well, you know what those neural pathways are a little further apart. So, you've got to train your brain and be thinking about it every single day till eventually, those neural pathways get closer together. Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense to you. Because it is a science that is how you retrain your brain. It's not pie in the sky. It's not all woo woo like I used to think. And you know Christians have got it right for years like pray. And I'm not just saying just Christians but religious people that for years pray, they’re grateful. I think only about what you want not about what you don't want. The more we concentrate on our reality and that's just something people will say to you. “Well, the reality is I'm broke.” Well, you know what the reality is that it doesn't have to be that way and you can start building that like right now that neural pathway that says “I'm broke and broke and broke. I can't afford anything. I can't afford to do this. I can't afford to do that. I can't afford to do anything. I'm not good with money. My parents weren’t good with money. None of us are good with money.” You know those pathways are short now but if you start thinking “If other people can own an apartment building with other people's money why can't I?” It's like it's a far stretch now, right? But you keep thinking that and you hang around with people who've done it and then those neural pathways get shorter and shorter that's how you train your brain. So, keep that in mind. Study some mindset stuff. Join me every Monday morning because we're going to get more and more into this stuff. And you know if you didn't know this before don't beat yourself up because a lot of this science is new. And they've been studying it for years but a lot of it we've got more knowledgeable the brain in the last five years than the whole prior history ever. So, you're learning a lot of stuff and it's cutting edge stuff. So, you know stuff that's been around for five years you're going to be one of the people learning it.

OK. So what else we got here. So, like I said with the three-day training that we went through it was pretty amazing. Some of the things like the mantra you should say to yourself each day. They call them goal cards and you know I’ve written on goal cards for years and years and I'm actually going to show you one of the newest ones that I just wrote out if I can find it here. My desk gets to quite a mess sometimes when I'm doing stuff but one of the ones that I wrote out and it’s something that I'm going to be reading to myself every night I think I believe I was told five times you read this every night, and this is something again new but it's just something I changed. So, I wrote “I hope hundreds of people invest in real estate with other people's money, those people how hundreds more. I'm creating a movement of real estate millionaires. People helping people right here at home.” So that's a pretty powerful concept because you know what I would go a lot bigger I'm going to affect a lot more people this year. I've decided I'm done playing small.

OK. So what else? So, like I said I've been studying mindset for many many years. I really honestly believe it's one of the best things that anybody can do for themselves on a daily basis not every once in a while, but on a daily basis. Some different people that I've followed over the years have trained on mindset like just about everybody in the industry who's semi-successful or successful has mindset training because they realize that even for themselves that it's something that's been huge and it's and now that this study of the brain is becoming a little bit more mainstream we're starting to realize how we can do that for ourselves as opposed to thinking that it only happens for other people who were born into the right families or have the right training from the day they were born or I don't know whatever people use for excuses right.

So, one of the things that we're going to go through today is a checklist that I do every morning as well and I've always done mine on a graph paper. I write down each day the things that I want to accomplish and then each month they I do it a macro and then a micro I do each day. So, I have a general idea of what I want to accomplish for the month and then I work on stuff like that every single day. If you give yourself checkmarks it's actually motivational for you so you give yourself, “Oh I did my mindset training this morning I read my motivational stuff I read my skill building stuff.” So instead of creating a list a mile long that you need to do print out… there's a sheet that I believe Chandelle's going to post on this that you can print out and we're going to give you a new one each week. And what I'd like you to do is keep that sheet. Start writing on it right now as soon as you’ve printed it out what are the three most important things that you want to accomplish this week or if you get really good, do it every day. What are the three most important things I want to accomplish today? and focus on those three things and not all the other stuff that distracts you. So, if you can get all that done before you even get on your Facebook page which is why we're starting this at ten thirty gives me time to get all that stuff done ahead of time and I've already made a sale this morning. For example, we've got another new investor coming on board with us so those are big rocks. Those are the things that you want to deal with early before you get distracted by other stuff. So, print up the sheet and start writing on it. List the most important things that you want to do and then just check them off as you're doing it. If you can do it for the week that's wonderful. If you can get down to a day that's even better. So, three things that you want to achieve by the end of the day or the end of the week. This is your weekly accountability prompt, so it gets you focused on what needs to happen each day or each week and it makes it easier for you to grow and leverage your business if you're consistently doing certain things every day. Then that consistency will take you places.

One of the things I actually had a really nice conversation with one of my students yesterday and he's been with me now for about six months and he's a little frustrated that he hasn't found any investors yet. And I said “Don't get frustrated, just get out there and do what you need to do because it doesn't always happen to you in the first six months. It doesn't always happen to you in the first year. It really is about how much you get done.” For example, if you analyze a hundred buildings in a hundred days. Do you think you'll know more than the guy that takes a whole year to analyze six hundred buildings? Because that's one of the things that we talked about in the ninety day to five k program.

If you analyze a hundred buildings you're going to know when you've got a good deal and you can analyze somebody else's deal and you can analyze deals that you never buy. Start tracking that and you will know what's a good deal. So again, the same thing if you if you can get on and do videos every day and I know what three years ago I started studying with Ray Higdon and one of the things he had us do at each mastermind was every break he would say “OK now go out into the hallway or out on the deck.” We were in Florida. It was really easy to do that at all times of the year. “Pick a nice scenery in the background and tell your audience something that you learned today.” So, I'm going to challenge you guys if you learn something this morning from this video go out and share it on your Facebook live on your Facebook page and you know what you're going to screw up. Who cares if you do this one hundred times, you're going to get better if you do it one hundred times in a hundred days. You're going to be a lot better in one hundred days. I knew people that did thirty videos in one day in order to get over their fear, over their idea that nobody wanted to listen to them just to get more comfortable on camera. So that's one of the things I challenge you to write that down on your thing. Get a get a video done and you know what even if you don't host the first sixty do a video that’s not live.

One of the homework assignments I got from one of my mentors was do a video of you telling your assistant what you wanted to do for the day instead of emailing it to her. So, we did that for a while and you know what pretty soon it got comfortable just me telling her what we needed to have done that day as opposed to typing it out in an email. I did eventually go back to email because I'd like to have the written copy, but you know what it's something that will get you comfortable. And now three years later I can get a Facebook live and I can talk I can talk for a long time and then I use prompts so that I don't forget what I want to talk about but sometimes just basically because questions come up I can answer them like Jill says here “I think I'll get Drew to do that part.” Well, you know what, Jill you challenge you to do a video for your kids. They're all at school today or the ones that are at school and say you know what this is what the rest of the family and I are doing when you're at school and don't just show them the fun part. Show them the work parts too so that they don't think they're missing out on something. And you know what just make it fun and you don't have to share it with anyone else. Share it with just your kids and they'll think it's so cool that you made a video for them while they were at school. Do you think that would be cool? Even you and Drew could do a back and forth or you and the kids can do it. It's a great thing to do. So, don't give up. You try it too.

So, like I said with the sheet that you print out print it out. I have some here that I've been doing for a while. I do daily accountability because I've got a lot of stuff that I want to get done. So one of the things that came up on mine was the other days take the time to form strategic alliances so that might be those of you that are working in the ninety day program that might be your accountant, your mortgage broker, your realtor, your lawyer those kind of things those are strategic alliances people that have that do business with a lot of the same people that you could do business with. Think about those kinds of people that could be part of your homework. It might be getting bills paid. It might be doing the video every day until you get comfortable. Jill says, “All the diapers they're missing out on already.” Exactly like I said don't just show them the good part show them the bad parts too because they'll think “Oh gosh I need to stay home for the fun part.” Show them the work that's involved too.

So, as you know without accountability there is far less implementation and it is really cool to be able to go back at the end of every week and actually notice what you've accomplished because so many people focus on that gap. We're shooting for here, but I didn't get it all done. Well, let's start putting something in there that you actually did get done. Whatever it happens to be looking at a property, talking to a realtor, talking to an investor. If you can share a presentation with an investor a day for the next hundred days do you think you'd be able to raise a hundred grand? I bet you would. If you could share a video…

I see Bev’s on here. Bev says “No, you must host to get used to seeing yourself live.” You know what and I agree with her. I actually find Facebook lives easier than when I used to do them and post them after. And the reason is because you're always second guessing yourself always second-guessing what you said, what you did, try to take out a blooper and you know what people don’t want that they want real. They want to know that nobody is going to hate them if they do something stupid or something silly. I mean I think one day I got caught putting lipstick on when I first turned my live on. I was like “Oh God. One, two, three went a lot faster than I was expecting.” I mean who cares really when it comes down to it? We all do it right.

So, like I said this week our focus is going to be implementation because that's where it starts. So, and you also might be asking this Why are we doing this leading up to Christmas? Well, you know what I like to finish the year strong and set some things in motion for how we can make 2017 our best year ever because this is one of the things that I want to get through to my audience this year is let's make 2017 the best year we've ever had. Whatever that happens to be for you because everybody is different. They want to have a better relationship with their spouse. A better relationship with their kids we’ll put that on the list. Don't just put work things. If you really want to buy a building this year put it on your list and do something about it every single day or at the minimum every single week.

Courtney says, “I've heard that people respond better to live and real feeds than edited perfect videos.” That's what we've learned too. They really do because that's why a face to face meetings with people works so much better than again a webinar or an email or anything like that because you're real, you're right there in front of them. And if you don't have the answer they don't even mind. They just know that you've got somebody behind you that you can check out. I've had students of mine phone me in the middle of the meeting and say “You know what Edna; a client just asked this question and I didn't know the answer. Do you have a minute?” And sometimes if I do like we'll just get on the phone and I'll answer what questions that they have. Again, that's a nice thing about having a coach in your corner is you've got somebody right there or if you don't feel comfortable making the call in front of them you can say that's a really good question and not something I'm one hundred percent sure of. So, let me get back to you on that and then get back to them. And that doesn't mean the first time you present to them that they're going to be investors with you but keep working towards it and it'll happen.

Like I said a hundred live videos we're going to be better. Three years ago, I would do them on the course and I'd come home, and I wouldn't do them, or I do the odd one and now I've been doing Facebook lives pretty steadily for... I think we started in August. I've been doing Facebook free coaching Fridays and it's went very very well. Now we're going to add in the Monday and people are very positive about it. I think the last video I did Chandelle said I had fifty-eight people live and very shortly after there was like two hundred and fifty-five these people who would watch the whole video from start to finish and it wasn't perfect. What I learned is when you're doing a Facebook live you shouldn't do it on thirty-two percent charge on your phone because forty-five minutes in I died. Totally I'm just like gone and people are going “What happened? Did we get a bad connection?” No. My phone just died. And you know by the time you charge it the audience is gone. So that was just the end of it. So, don't ever feel bad if you screw up. People like to know that you're a real person.

One of the things that I'm working on just to give you an idea is I have a big project coming up. So, we're doing a three-day live event here in Regina. And of course, there's a lot of things that needs to be done ahead of time. So, some of the things that I had written down is book sound and lights. So, I’ve got that done, checkmarks there. Book the speakers and I've already got some pretty fabulous speakers lined up. I'm very excited. I'm going to wait a little bit longer to announce. I just have to make sure they got flights and everything else, but I've got four speakers lined up. Work on the agenda and how I want it to work. Actually, you know what I think I got five and then start working on the booklets that I want to hand out. So those are five of the things that I wanted to get done last week and I got some of each one except the booklets to hand out. I had people that were on my list of to do things. I had clients to call and students to call there were certain things that I wanted to talk to them about. And then I had had a couple of these students sign up, so I needed to add them to the email list to make sure that they get the announcements when the live webinar is happening. That sort of thing. And then also planned the mastermind webinar for my student’s that's this Wednesday. That was another plan that I needed to do. And then also to review the PowerPoint for module three which is coming up next week. I'd like to go in and add some new things that I've learned since the last time and it works really really good. And I also had to send some corporate tax returns in for a lender that we're working on a deal right now. So, so many many things, of course, you get those done in a day. And it also reminds you of what you can actually accomplish in a day because if you write it all down and get it all done it feels like you did a lot more than if you don't write it down. Makes sense? OK.

Let's see what else we got. So, I think Chandelle’s got that link on there that you can print that page off. And another thing Chandelle’s reminding you here she says, “Get everyone to join the six-figure joint venture secrets private Facebook group.” And if you feel like you can you're not too shy or something post what it is that you're working on. What I really find is that people get inspired by what other people are working on and it might inspire them to add it to their list of things that they want to get done. Like somebody might say “Hey I'm going to meet with my realtor today we're booked to have coffee” and they might be inspired to reach out to a realtor themselves or they might say “Well how was your meeting with the realtor go? Is it somebody you'd recommend?” You know a great way to just start figuring it out.

Rob says, “Let us know if you need any help at the live event with greeting people.” Oh, that would be wonderful Rob. We have such fun things planned like we do a Profit in the Prairies real estate panel and if you've ever watched the prairie dragons it's a play on that. But it's about real estate investments and you know what real deals get done in that room. It was pretty exciting. Last year my husband got a deal he really wanted. He ended up after the long run working on it like six months he didn't get it, but you know what real deals happen. So, your guys are going to find it pretty exciting. Then, of course, I'll be having a success panel of people who've done a lot of stuff in the last year working with me. So, it's fun. So yeah definitely. We'll put you to work Rob thanks a lot.

Anthony says, “Is there a seven figure?” And I'm not sure what you mean by that because you got a little smiley face on there. So, post what you what you work you on hold each other accountable if someone said: “You know what I'm going to book to see a realtor this week.” Ask him about it next week. Stay in touch and motivate each other that way. It's very very nice and Chandelle says she'll also upload each week sheets to download and print so that we can all grow together. This will be a big thing for you guys. One of the biggest six figure joint venture secrets is to plan and do the important but not urgent things every single day so we can slowly get to be where we want to be.

Does anyone have any questions for me today? I've got a little bit longer here. Just another five minutes or so. If you have any questions shoot him at me and I see Chandelle’s posted the link https:\\www.facebook.com/groups/sixfigurejbsuccess. I see there's a lot of activity in there so it's pretty exciting to be involved with a group like this who all want to study and learn. OK so if you know somebody who needs some mindset training tell them to check us out. Like I said we're going to be doing this every Monday morning at ten thirty. We'll try to keep it till about half an hour. We might spread it out to forty-five minutes if we have some good questions and stuff because I want you to get your mindset into a place where 2017 can be your best year ever. I want you to dream bigger. I want you to think about getting a deal done this year whether it's a duplex or fourplex or a thirty-six unit whatever is on your list. We can make it happen.

Rob says, “A great author that reaffirms your teaching on mindset is DrLeaf.comCom.” So, have to check that out and Robert I’m so looking forward to getting your book too because that's on mindset as well. And Margie says, “Everyone needs mindset training.” She knows she's one of my first students and she knows it's a big thing for me it's something I've always focusing on. Rob says, “Thanks for telling us to use the Christmas season to make progress rather than just vegging out.” Good, yes. Well you know what I don't know about you guys, but I always take the time between Christmas and New Year's and I work on my year’s goals and to have you know we're going to do full day and probably half out of our three-day event is going to be on mindset training and it's going to be wrapped around real estate. But if there's people that you know that are struggling have them come on the mindset training because even though it's wrapped around real estate, it's really wrapped around life because it totally works in every area of your life from weight loss, to being a better parent, to being more active, to building business, to keeping your house clean. I don't know everything. It matters too. So, mindset so important it’s what helps you grow and change over the years.

So, looks like I don't have any more questions here, so I am going to sign off it is after eleven already, so we've gone about half an hour. So, thanks everyone for being on. Thanks for all the hearts and the thumbs up. I really appreciate that, and we'll see here next week. And remember that on Friday at ten our time GST there's free coaching Friday and that's where we want you to bring all your real estate related questions and I'll help you out with that.

Courtney says, “I set goals and make a vision board every year and I really think it helps guide me for the next three hundred and sixty-five days.” I totally agree. I totally agree with that Courtney. And you know what when you make those kind of plans you have to you have to be a better person at the end of the year. There's no way around it. So good job everyone. Thanks for being on and we'll talk to you next week.

Thank you so much for listening. It's my sincere intention that you got value from this episode. If you're interested in learning more about building your passive income through real estate either by investing with us as a joint venture partner or as a student discovering how you can attract investors to your deals and build your seven figure real estate portfolio by helping others build their passive income. Check out my website Ednakeep.com or watch my free masterclass Ednakeep.com/90daysto5k.