Want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes?

That’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode!

We pulled 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and created an entire episode out of it!

You’ll get wisdom from:
- A social psychologist who specializes in human motivation
- A former broadway producer who helps thoughtful givers become thought leaders
- One of the top Facebook Ad experts in the world… who is known for the CRAZY results he gets for clients
- A “chief client success officer” who works with other client-businesses to maximize client results, increase client retention, and streamline the client fulfillment experience
- A piano educator who pioneered the “playing-based” approach for music education


All of this is done in 23 minutes and 42 seconds!



Guests highlighted in this episode include:

#71: How The Best In The World Reverse Engineer Success w/ Ron Friedman

#43: From High School English Teacher → Broadway Producer In Two Years & How YOU Can Gain Access To Anyone w/ Michael Roderick

#16: How YOU Can Get 10x ROI By Using “Deep Funnel Marketing” and CRUSH FB ads w/ Bob Regnerus

#51: Cracking The Code On “Client Leadership”: How YOU Can Double Revenues Without Selling Any New Clients… w/ Tony Banta

#73: Elevating Humanity's Creative Capability & How YOU Can Uncover + Address Unconscious Thoughts Holding You Back From Your Next Level… w/ Neil Moore