Andre Norman robbed cocaine dealers for a living.

Add that to convictions of armed robbery, armed home invasion, armed car-jacking, and two attempted murder charges...

... and Andre faced a 100 year prison sentence.

But while he was in solitary confinement, Andre had an epiphany.

After a lot of hard work, he was released having served just 14 years.... with a goal to become a Harvard fellow.

Not ONLY did Andre achieve that goal... but he’s also lectured on multiple TEDx stages, as well as at Harvard University and London Business School.

And today?

He’s on a mission to fix America’s criminal justice system.

In this episode of the 7-Figure Millennials podcast, you’ll learn:

- Why Andre believes quitting trumpet at age 14 lead to him ending up in prison

- Lessons from robbing cocaine dealers that you can use to help grow your business

- How Andre led gang activities from inside prison that were generating $3 MILLION per month, and how he’s using what he’s learned to change our criminal justice system...

... and SO much more.

Please enjoy this crazy and inspiring story with Andre Norman.