Two really powerful questions to deeply ponder:

Question 1: Who are you?

Not your name. Not what you do. Not yourself in relation to your family. Who ARE you?

Question 2: Who do you want to be?

Not what society told you you should do. Not what your parents wanted from you. Not what your friends think you should do.

Who do you want to be?

These are two paradigm shifting questions, and they are the focus of my DEEP conversation with a good friend, Bob Regnerus.

3 things to look forward to:
- Why you should “fit around” instead of trying to “fit in”
- Bob and I talk about how to leverage PLAY to discover your biggest strengths, and we actually dive into my love for playing roundnet (Spikeball) and how I can integrate how I naturally play more into my life
- Bob composed a BEAUTIFUL song sung and played by AI that wraps up everything we talk about in the episode, and we play that at the end 🙂

If you’re someone who’s deeply curious about building a life around WHO YOU ARE, this episode is one you don’t want to miss!

To learn more about Bob, visit
