Not only do today’s guest and I share a birthday, but our brains work very similarly.

Dov Baron often says that “Curiosity is his religion”, and he’s certainly lived his life this way.

In addition to engaging in hobbies and professions such as surfing, bodybuilding, rock climbing, and working as a hairdresser, he has now become a distinguished speaker, facilitator, podcast host, bestselling author, and the foremost authority on fostering cultures of belonging.


Dov grew up in abject poverty, surrounded by crime, violence, and addiction… and his dad left the family, leaving him to “be the man of the house” at age seven.

There is SO much in this conversation, but here are 3 things to look forward to:
1. How Dov survived a 120 foot free climbing fall and broke dozens of bones, including every bone in his face (and why it was the best thing that ever happened to him)
2. How to leverage people as mirrors to increase your levels of consciousness and compassion
3. What questions you can ask yourself that will help you to transform your pain into purpose

To learn more about Dov Baron, visit

Key Takeaways:

00:00 - Introducing Dov

05:20 - Dov shares a personal story about a significant life event that reshaped his understanding of leadership and personal accountability

11:03 - The importance of building trust and vulnerability within teams to foster a 'Fiercely Loyal' environment

16:47 - Practicing & promoting emotional intelligence to better engage with your team
22:35 - Strategies for leaders to create a more authentic and transparent workplace culture

29:12 - The challenges and rewards of leading diverse teams, including insights into managing different generational viewpoints

34:58 - Practical advice for leaders facing resistance to change within their organizations, with tips on how to encourage adaptability and resilience
40:44 - Dov discusses the personal routines and practices that help him maintain his leadership effectiveness and personal well-being
46:30 - The need for leaders to take care of their psychological and emotional health
52:15 - Key qualities that define a true leader

Links & Resources:

Dov Baron's Official Website: Extensive resources on leadership development, including articles, podcasts, and training sessions. - 'Fiercely Loyal: Fiercely Loyal: How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent': Dov Baron’s insights on how to cultivate and maintain high-performance teams. Available at major book retailers.