On August 10th, 1992, Brian Bogert was run over by a truck.

His left arm was completely severed from his body.

Luckily, both his mom and a good samaritan helped save his life that day… but what followed that moment is what made me so excited to bring Brian on the show.

You see:

As a result of that accident, Brian developed a bunch of unconscious stories that he didn’t realize were holding him back and not serving him.

It wasn’t until he uncovered those stories and re-framed them in a powerful way that he was able to unlock true growth in his life.


You may have never been run over by a truck.

But I know that personally, I had unconscious stories and narratives that were also no longer serving me… and my guess is that you have a few of those too.

THAT is the focus of this episode.

So if you’re serious about uncovering the “mental trash” that you didn’t even know is causing damage to you, this episode is for you!

To learn more about Brian, visit https://7figuremillennials.com/podcast/brian-bogert/

Key Takeaways:

[0:51] – Introducing Brian Bogert[4:12] – Brian tells the story that changed his life forever on August 10, 1992, at 6:10 p.m. in Phoenix, Arizona[9:17] – What is the meaning behind  Brian’s tattoo?[15:42] –  How Brian resolves his problem of having a negative mentality[25:39] – How you can identify and change the mental trash that's in your head[30:41] – What is lifeline EKG and how can you use it to uncover trash in your life?[37:02] – Why is awareness critical as a step to expose mental trash?[38:19] – Brian helps Brandon unveil his mindset[47:16] – Brian talks about finding natural integration and understanding the narrative[51:07] – How does garbage thought moving through your body inform what you do moving forward?[57:18] – What is happiness for Brian?

Resources:The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level - https://www.amazon.com/Big-Leap-Conquer-Hidden-Level-ebook/dp/B0026772QU#:~:text=In%20The%20Big%20Leap%2C%20New,success%20in%20love%20and%20lifeThe Genius Zone: The Breakthrough Process to End Negative Thinking and Live in True Creativity - https://www.amazon.com/Genius-Zone-Breakthrough-Negative-Creativity/dp/1250246547 Website - https://brianbogert.com/