Cindy Donovan: So what’s the secret to sequencing an effective pre-launch or Early Bird webinar properly in the buildup. So say someone has a product release that they’re just excited to release. How do they get people onto their sequencing that as well as possible?

Chad Nicely: I don’t know if it’s so much a secret, it’s more a process that we go through. So the first thing is, I suggest you be well planned out, figure out what the angles are going to be to sell the product or around that specific product or service. And you’re going to take those angles and you’re going to make those angles part of that sequence. So if you have four different angles that you’re going to use selling the webinar, then those should be your angles inside your sequence, okay. So that’s the first thing.

And we’ll usually do about three or four e-mails before the webinar, okay. Another advanced tactic is you can actually give them a task after they register. So once they register you can say, okay, step one is we want you to download this blueprint, right. Then once they do that, depending on what you’re using, I mean, you can get into advanced tagging, like in Fusion Soft or AW Pro Tools, doesn’t have to go that deep. And then once they complete the first task, you'd have like a second task. It can be something like join the Facebook group or take this survey, we do a lot with surveys, something of that nature.

The other thing is, we always have some kind of incentive, and it can be something as simple as a discount code for the pre-launch. What we like to do is we run something called the Live Giveaway and this is where we have a big database of everybody that’s registered for our webinars and we run this automated spread that it goes through and actually chooses random winners that are on the webinar call. So, we let them know that we’re going to be doing the Live Giveaway.

And then the other thing is, we also like to use proof from other webinars that we’ve done. So if we’ve got a testimonial from somebody that says, hey, you know, I attended your last webinar or whatever and I actually implemented the things that you guys reviewed and I went out there and I got my first lead or I got my first sale, or whatever that may be, and I absolutely love your webinars. And we’ll include those testimonials inside of that sequence, right, whatever we can do.

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