In today's episodes we play a little game that we've been doing on and off now for mostly a year now. If you're a patreon supporter than you are quite familiar with this version of the show. Our producers and sometimes listners will send in links to a Wikipedia page that we have prior knowledge of. We humorously take a guess at what the subject matter could be, and then go in blind reading the page. It can be anything from Weird to Shocking and anything in between. Take an hour and give Wiki Wiki Whaa? a try! 

Shoutouts to our Sponsors From Brain to Keyboard and the EKG Podcast! 


Origin of the Hashtag


The Church of Euthanasia #SaveThePlanetKillYourSelf

The Buttered Cat Paradox

The Red Head Murders

Jason "The Human Kabob" Parsons (Not Me)

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