In this episode our little Shumway Industries (in Podtoberfest studio) group sat down with Grant The Kilted One (TK1) to get to know him a little better via his line of questioning much like his The Stranger Conversations Podcast. We were allowed two skips if we needed to use them, but other than that...we had to play along. 

Here are a list of some of the questions:

1,)What is something that everyone accepts or perceives as normal, but in your mind is not really normal?

2,)If you were locked in a room with 20 people and one of them happened to be a mind reader in hiding... What would you do and how would you flesh them out?

3.)What is your best "I will never do that again" story?

4.)What is your best "I should have not said that out loud story"?

5.)You discover that your 2 year old child, because of a mix-up at the hospital, is not actually yours. Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?

6.)If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?


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