Previous Episode: Mail Time!
Next Episode: Crabs in a Bucket

Nichelle Nichols was a ground-breaking actress on Star Trek, but after only a year on the show, she informed the creator that she was ready to move on to a Broadway career.

The day after making her intentions known, she was approached by a Trekkie who called himself “her greatest fan,” and told her that she couldn’t leave the show. He reminded her that she was a vital role model for African-American children and young women across the country, and he informed her that her show was the only one that he and his wife would allow their three children to stay up and watch. 

Nichols was moved by the comments, and she decided to continue acting on the show, in large part due to the advice of her superfan … whose name was Martin Luther King, Jr.

In Proverbs, we are told that “the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” (12:15)

Many of our decisions and choices impact others, and it is often a good idea to seek out advice when we’re wrestling over our options. When faced with a tough decision, seek out godly men and women whom you respect, and spend time in prayer and meditation in God’s word. 

And make yourself available to others, mentoring and offering wise, godly advice when asked. It may lead someone to boldly go where no man – or woman – has gone before.

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