Previous Episode: One Man's Dream
Next Episode: Survivor

Bryan Berg is an architect known for creating record-setting structures that leave onlookers in awe. After graduating with degrees from Iowa State and Harvard, he began touring the world and designing his structures for corporations around the globe.

Berg isn’t only known for building, however; he’s also known for his destruction. As soon as he completes his buildings, he immediately tears them down, which would be a very dangerous proposition except for the fact that all of his buildings are made of playing cards.

In 1 Corinthians, we are reminded that “you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (12:27)

Berg says that he destroys his structures because it “dispels all rumors of falsities.” In other words, when the cards fall, the onlookers are able to see that it really was a structure made from cards – no tape, no glue, no strings.

Many people have preconceived opinions of Christians – weak-minded, hypocritical, fake. We as Christians, through the lives we live, have an incredible opportunity to dispel these rumors of falsities by developing relationships with those who don’t know Christ and by displaying to them the real and true love of Jesus.

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