Previous Episode: Horse of a Different Color
Next Episode: Unexpected Gift

When Jimmy was six years old, he experienced a traumatic move that caused him to stutter, which led to him becoming a selective mute. Over the next eight years, he would not speak to anyone outside his house … not clerks at stores, not teachers at school, not even students in class.

That all changed one day when he was 14 and was challenged by a teacher with whom he had developed a close relationship to recite from memory in front of the class a poem he wrote. The teacher noticed the stutter disappeared when Jimmy quoted from memory, and he continued to help Jimmy find his voice … a voice that told Luke Skywalker, and the rest of the world, a secret about his father … the voice of Darth Vader, James Earl Jones.

When the time came for Zechariah to name his son, Luke tells us that “he asked for a writing tablet and wrote, “His name is John … And immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, blessing God. (1:63-64)

Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, lost his voice for a short time, but regained it after showing his faithfulness to God. Afterward, we are told that he spoke praises and blessings to God. 

You will have the opportunity to praise God with your voice this week by telling someone the Good News of Jesus. Be on the lookout and be ready when your chance arises.

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