Myself and Ramrod in the first of a new series of shows.

In this introduction episode we set out all the rules for the show, as we'll be making predictions and scoring points...there's even a real trophy to play for!

Everything is explained in this short intro episode, but a quick written run down is also listed below.

The Rules:

Movie release date must be between 1969-1999
Movie must be at least 90 minutes long
No 'serious' movies

The Predictions:

Next person to die?
Next naked flesh?
Next action scene?
Last line of the movie spoken by?
End credits music?

5 regular predictions, plus 1 Wild Card and 1 Hail Mary each.

3 points for a correct prediction and 1 point for being close. The only exception is the Hail Mary which is worth 5 points...totalling a possible maximum of 23 points per show.

We play a 10 movie season to determine the champion, then a new season begins.

Visit for news, reviews, podcasts, how to join our World Tour, and a very easy way to leave us a review.

We also now have a SpeakPipe account where you can leave us voice messages up to 90 seconds. Just visit any page on our website on your computer or phone and a SpeakPipe button will pop up where it is then just “click and record”.

Leave us a voice message/comment/question and we’ll respond on our podcasts.

Thanks for listening and please send any written comments and thoughts HERE.