A show by podcastnik.com — visit the site for all projects and news.

Toby and Travis first met at Podstock DE in the middle of Germany (a podcaster meetup). This is the beginning of their story.

Toby and Travis are both podcasters.

Watch this on YouTube

☞ Check out our new show, Past Access! (YouTube Link) ☜

Twitter @Travis J Dow | @TobyMcMill | @Podcastnik — Facebook Podcastnik Page — Instagram @podcastnik

Podcastnik YouTube | Podcastnik Audio Podcast | Toby’s Podcast (German) http://whats-in-your-pants.de/ | Toby’s YouTube Channel

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Travis is changing his whole life around to do this full time and has a GoFundMe (2019/early 2020) see podcastnik.com for more details.


Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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