If you’ve been listening to our show recently, or if you’ve been around any tech talk, you’ve probably heard AI, IoT, and even Edge thrown around. But what does it all actually mean? How do they all connect and what exactly are they doing to advance our world?

In today’s episode, we talk with Microsoft innovator and strategist Pete Bernard. Pete drives Microsoft’s strategy for the intersection of 5G, AI, Edge Computing, and IoT. If those terms make your head spin, don’t worry. We talk about the simple explanations of what each of these pieces of tech does, how they create stronger, faster, and more reliable connections when working together, and how they help within our society today.

Join us as we discuss the relative term of edge computing and how it works within different industries from agriculture to cellular networks. Pete talks about the importance of low latency and upping computer power through edge technology and AI, as well as how it connects in two-way communication with the cloud to provide faster connections for services like security, safety, and more. You’ll learn a solid definition of artificial intelligence, why you don’t need to be worried about a robot uprising, and even how it is used in everyday practices you may not realize. Plus a look into how all these technologies work together to enable the 5G network, allowing us to change the world as we know it. 

So, sit back, hit play, and relax because this episode is packed with information on technologies that will innovate our world and impact our future. 

To find the resources we mentioned, or to connect with Pete, check out the links below! 


More Of What’s Inside:

What edge computing is and how it works

Low latency and why you want it

Workloads and their importance

How IoT keeps us connected

The real facts about AI 

How 5G works within these technologies

The practical side of 5G, AI, IoT

Why you don’t need to buy all your equipment

5G mobile gaming and its advantages

What exactly the cloud is 

How much we have grown

And much more!


Guest Links:

Microsoft Azure Tour: https://youtu.be/80aK2_iwMOs

Microsoft Azure Percept Dev: https://aka.ms/getazurepercept

Twitter: @digitaldad


Website: https://5gguys.com


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5Gguys

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12515882

Twitter: https://twitter.com/5gGuys


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Episode Minute By Minute:

0:56 - How you can ask us questions

1:44 - What we cover today

7:03 - How edge computing helps networks

11:19 - A realistic look at AI

16:38 - How AI is helping cellular networks

20:24 - The democratization of technology

23:42 - The Cloud and what it is

28:57 - More resources to check out

30:20 - How to connect with Pete

30:40 - Closing thoughts and advice

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