#5amMesterScrum Show #573 Live -  Racing Cars, Big Box Store Needs Agile and Fortune Cookie Friday - Today's topics: (1) My son said here Dad take these cars for your show.  So I did and the pitstop is like scrum, a team of people working on one goal at same time, (2) I was in a Big Box Store just thinking how they need agile training especially kanban.  They had unhappy customers and were losing thousands in revenue. Agile example in non-IT world talking 36 years ago and how I was practicing agile mindset when I was 16 years old and (3) Fortune Cookie Friday: Nothing is Perfect!

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#5amMesterScrum #scrum #agile #business #scrummaster #agilecoach #coaching #philadelphia #philly #non-IT #crosstrain #value #customer #change #kanban #mindset #team
5am Mester Scrum Show #573 went live on Youtube at 807am EST Friday 3/19/2021 from Philadelphia, PA.  

Happy Scrumming,

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