This video includes excerpts from our 5amMesterScrum Meetup group on 1/18/2023 and demonstrates how we can use personal OKR activities to help us reach our goals.  This sample includes a sample from my own side hustle building a training program might use the MasterMind to help them grow into their next goal.

The 5amMesterScrum is in the process of creating a Agile Mastermind Program to help achievers get to their next set of goals.  The meetup event demonstrates a sample starting point in the masterminds.

The typical Mastermind would have 6 to 8 people working together and supporting each other as they pursue their individual goals.  The Mastermind acts as sounding board for ideas and blockers.  Everyone is accountable to each other in reporting out their progress and demonstrating their outcomes at the end of every 3 weeks (our sprint length)

If you are interested reach out to [email protected]

Soon we will start posting videos and podcasts on Thursday Nights with Interviews with Agile and Business People to help share more content that we hope will be of value.

Happy Scrumming