Spartan Group is an Asia-based leading crypto investment firm. In light of the launch of Spartan Group's new DeFi VC fund, Jason Choi, GP at Spartan Group, joined this episode and shared with us the history, mission and vision of Spartan Group. 

Jason further explained some of Spartan's investment selection process and criteria, and why they were bullish on some of their portfolio, including Alpha, Synthetix, and Sushi. Later in the episode, he discussed his view in multi-chain DeFi, as well as the "next big things" - the other upcoming necessary building blocks - in DeFi.  

Twitter: @mrjasonchoi

Spartan Group Website:

Blockcrunch Podcast's Twitter: @theBlockcrunch 


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Important Disclaimers: All opinions expressed by Mable Jiang, or other podcast guests, are solely their opinion and do not represent the opinions of Multicoin Capital in any way. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Multicoin Capital may hold positions in some of the tokens and/or companies discussed on this show.


Spartan Group是一家亚洲领先的虚拟资产投资公司。鉴于Spartan Group的新DeFi VC基金的成立,Spartan Group的合伙人 Jason Choi 参与了这一期节目的录制,与我们分享了Spartan Group的历史,使命和愿景。

Jason进一步解释了Spartan的一些投资选择过程和标准,以及为什么他们看好他们的某些投资组合,包括Alpha,Synthetix和Sushi。在本集的稍后部分,他讨论了他在多链DeFi中的观点以及DeFi中的“下一个重要里程碑”- DeFi中未来的其他必要构建基块。


推特: @mrjasonchoi

Spartan Group 网站:

Blockcrunch  播客推特账户: @theBlockcrunch 



重要声明:Mable Jiang或嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法,并不代表Multicoin Capital官方的观点。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。Multicoin Capital有时可能会在此节目中讨论的某些代币或公司中持有头寸。