Show Notes: Messages from LCO candidates (February 17, 2011) Host: Nicky Blum, DZ-8397 Contributors: Dion Rupa, TK-1217, Kristen Kuipers, RC-6247…

Show Notes: Messages from LCO candidates (February 17, 2011)

Host: Nicky Blum, DZ-8397

Contributors: Dion Rupa, TK-1217, Kristen Kuipers, RC-6247 and Jason Romanoff, TK-9141

Post-Production: Andy Fairbanks, ID-8169

Welcome to a special Legion elections minicast.  We have for you audio messages from each of our three candidates for the Legion Commanding Officer position. We thought it would be different to give you the opportunity to actually hear the candidates words as we all know that reading text (and thereâ€s a lot of text to read in those Q&A threads) is different than hearing it straight from the horses mouth!

Our three candidates this year (in TK number order) are:

Dion Rupa, TK-1217 from Northeast Remnant Garrison

Kristen Kuipers, RC-6247 from Georgia Garrison

And Jason Romanoff, TK-9141 from Garrison Carida

Make sure to read through their Q&A answers in the 2011 Election Forum on the Main Legion forums.

Voting begins at 12:01am GMT on February 19th. Votes are cast via the Legion’s official online ballot which is located on the main Legion forums. Voting will be open for exactly 7 days and officially ends at the stroke of midnight GMT February 25th.

Voting takes place on the main Legion forums not only for the LCO election, but for all elections Legion wide. Therefore, if your garrison, squad or detachment is having elections, you can read the Q&As for those on the individual forums, but voting takes place on the main Legion forums.

Good luck to all those running for positions this year!