Show Notes: May the Force Be With Katie (December 10, 2010) Special Contributors: Ashley Eckstein, Katie Cook, Cynthia Martin,  Angie…

Show Notes: May the Force Be With Katie (December 10, 2010)

Special Contributors: Ashley Eckstein, Katie Cook, Cynthia Martin,  Angie Mayhew, Peter Mayhew, Mary Oyaya, Adrienne Wilkinson.

Post-Production: Dean Plantamura (TK-899)

Katie is a first grade girl who was teased for bringing her Star Wars water bottle into school because the boys in her class say Star Wars is only for boys. Since her mother posted the story on the web and thousands of people of all ages have read and commented to show support for Katie and any other children who are bullied for simply being themselves.

On December 10th, 2010, let’s really give her something to smile about. Wear a Star Wars tee shirt or something to show that you support Katie, Star Wars, female fans and anti-bullying.

Katie’s parents have requested that, in lieu of more gifts for Katie, donations should be made to needy children. Spread the immense amount of love and goodwill inherent in the support this lucky girl has received. Let’s make some other current and future Star Wars fans as happy as we’ve made Katie and keep the goodness going!

Facebook Event page:!/event.php?eid=113784095353278

An interview with Katie’s mom:

The blog that started it all:

Star Wars gear for girls: