Show Notes: Episode CVI (November 30th, 2017) Hosts: Nicky Blum (DZ-8397), Joe (TI-12743) & Marcus (TK-14057) Content Development: Nicky Blum…

Show Notes: Episode CVI (November 30th, 2017)

Hosts: Nicky Blum (DZ-8397), Joe (TI-12743) & Marcus (TK-14057)

Content Development: Nicky Blum (DZ-8397)

Post-Production: Joe Mignano (SL-12743)

Recent News

Rancho Obi-Wan t-shirt fundraiser
New Star Wars Trilogy and live-action TV series (article)
New Costumes in the Legion:

Imperial Knight
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Dr. Evazan
Darth Maul
Bombsquad Clone Trooper

Jolly Roger Squad on The Star Wars Show with Inferno Squad
Send your suggestions for topics to [email protected], call our hotline at 828-419-0501 or post to our Facebook page.

Mission Reports

Make-A-Wish presentations

New England Garrison (news article)
Imperial Sands Garrison (photos)

Charity Walks

Central California Garrison participates in Walk to Defeat ALS (photos)
Star Garrison troops CASANA Walk (photo)
Star Garrison invades LLS Light the Night Walk (selfie)
Star Garrison troops Autism Speaks Walk (photo)
Empire City Garrison attends Alexander’s Angels Buddy Walk (photo)
Empire City Garrison invades JTCF Freaky 5K

Empire City Garrison troops Huntington Library’s Star Wars Day
Costa Rica Garrison invades 80s music marathon (photos)
Star Garrison’s TK-68272 attends Halloween Safety event (photo)
Portuguese Outpost visits Eduardo again (photo)
Empire City Garrison troops DuckPluck Halloween party (photo)
Costa Rica Outpost supports Territorio de Zaguates
Korean Outpost’s historic visit to the DMZ (photos)
Empire City Garrison invades Bellmore Memorial Library (photo)
Empire City Garrison troops Special Olympics Polar Plunge
Garrison Excelsior invades Strong Museum
Imperial Sands Garrison troops San Diego Gulls Star Wars Night (photo)
Southern California Garrison attends Troop Turkey Drive
Empire City Garrison troops Intrepid’s Gift of Thanksgiving event (photo)
Empire City Garrison invades Long Island Festival of Trees

Upcoming Events

Dave Prowse Empire Day
The Last Jedi premiere
See upcoming 501st events at Roqoo Depot

Shout Out

Shout-out to Stephanie, TI-71726 of Star Garrison’s North Texas Squad – Trooper of the Month for October 2017
Hotline # is 828-419-0501 or email audio to [email protected]

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