Meet Arvind & Shivesh, rising sophomores at Brown and Yale. Together they co-founded CandiVote, a comprehensive engagement platform for local politics that is modernizing current voting and campaign information systems for the next generation of voters. Listen to Arvind & Shivesh share the history of local politics, and how a lack of resources and attention at the local level is leading to confusion, low engagement, and inadequate change in communities. Listen to how they iterated CandiVote to implement a dashboard that curates information on local candidates, a messaging system to contact candidates, a way to donate directly to campaigns, and quizzes that "match" you with a candidate with similar ideals.

CandiVote has garnered nation-wide recognition, and will officially launch for the Rhode Island elections in 2022. Right now, they have had thousands of people visit the website, and are looking for beta users to join the platform and offer feedback. If you are interested in joining their initiative, reach out to them on Instagram @candivote, and visit their website: