Hey Folks, Justin here. July 31st marks the seventh week that Five Things We Like has been published online. In the past two months we’ve had ups and downs, creative foibles, and scheduling conflicts. We also had the job of experiencing our first technical difficulties and have an official lost episode now. We introduced ourselves [...]

Hey Folks, Justin here.

July 31st marks the seventh week that Five Things We Like has been published online. In the past two months we’ve had ups and downs, creative foibles, and scheduling conflicts. We also had the job of experiencing our first technical difficulties and have an official lost episode now. We introduced ourselves to Facebook project organization and publishing ourselves on social media. We’ve consistently managed to put ourselves out there to garner attention, and it’s showing.

Hi new listeners. Thanks for coming along.

Time passes though and change is inevitable. You’ll notice there isn’t an episode posted today. No, we’re not going away or pod fading so quickly. Get that out of your mind. In fact forget I even said it. Better yet I’ll just delete that sentence. You already read it? I forgot to delete it? Well damn; okay keep reading but I’m watching you. Don’t go spreading any rumors. We’re facing the realism of schedules and goals and our commitment to keep our quality higher and our promise to productivity kept. Starting August 1st, Five Things We Like switches to a single weekly episode and will begin posting on Wednesday. Eventually we’ll return to our twice a week schedule but in the meantime we’ll be producing better episodes with more varied set of voices and hosts. You’ll continue to hear Andrew and me on a regular basis, and Dakota’s family just won’t go away as we have more episodes with his cousin Tony popping in. We’ll also be reaching out to some of the other wonderful podcasters out there and see if we can kidnap them for a show or two.

Stay around awhile and enjoy the show. We love doing this and we love hearing your feedback. Stick around for tomorrow’s episode where we’ll be talking about the fantasy universes out there is book, games, and television.

Until then,
