This episode of The Dorset Growth Hub podcast was recorded shortly before the passing of Mr Lee’s Noodles’ Founder, Damien Lee, whose enthusiasm, energy and inspiration runs tangibly through the business, through to the highly dedicated members of the team. Speaking of the growing international presence of Mr Lee’s Noodles and the innovation taking place at Mr Lee’s Pure Foods Co. is their Marketing and Communications Director, Kasia Bigda.

Rounding out the podcast’s contribution to Dorset Growth Hub’s sales and marketing month, Kasia shares an emphatic view on how the relatively small team has made a global impact in markets which require a tailored approach to marketing campaigns and product development. She also details the level of personal investment and ownership which contributes to the success of the multi-award winning team.

This episode of the Dorset Growth Hub podcast covers:

Methods of measuring success of marketing campaignsBuilding a brand for more than just return on investmentTips for marketeers starting their careerNurturing an open-minded, passionate marketing teamNavigating differences in marketing internationallyIn-house marketing teams versus agenciesRevising the business’ focus on different revenue streams

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