SUNDAY NIGHT: The Myths of white supremacy; our world's covert ruling relion

PROGRAM TIMES: SUNDAY NIGHT, JUNE 19, 2022, 11 PM CST. This isn't an effort to glorify the lies of white supremacy, disrespect so-called whites or harp on whats wrong with the world, but scholarly work exposing pure evil lies of white supremacy that I believe is in every single person educated exclusively in the American system. This evil isn't a so-called white people thing only. Many never espouse to white supremacy but preach non-stop black inferiority with their action, words or thought. It's the same coin brothers & sisters one side define the other, one side cannot exist without other. Outside of force, in order for so-called whites supremacists to dominate the world, as they have millions have to ascribe or else it would of never taken roots anywhere. Success of this idol worship can be accomplished anywhere in the world with simply access to the world media. LET'S TALK!!!

To listen call (914) 205 5590.

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