The Coverup: The Biblical Origin of White Skin Pt-2/2 

Oftentimes, we hear African Americans, especially their youth, say, "They love God." So why do they avoid churches like the plague? Then, it seems too often that many African Americans relate to the Father almost like a stepchild who isn't good enough to have God's best as others. So, how can anyone know the more profound realities the Father has for them while walking in this rejection? Bro. Seth believes there is a disconnect with the love of God among African Americans brought on "sometimes" by the false doctrine of white supremacy. These lies are espoused in print, speech, and behavior, sometimes subliminally blocking millions from seeing the true love of Yahweh that leads souls to repentance.

On Tuesday, with the help of the Most High brother Seth shares how WHITEWASHING the scriptures is a sin. The invention of white (or black) people as a race isn't biblical. Philosophies that people are superior because they have white skin are pure evil, especially since in biblical times, white skin was a result of sin from dark skin people. TONIGHT WE’RE NOT SPEAKING OF PEOPLE (OR THE SOUL), BUT OF THE FRAGILE SKIN THAT COVERS US. This snowstorm of whiteness from Satan has shipwrecked the faith of millions. Seth explains how all nations produce recessive white skin and how Europe isn't the home of white skin, which originates from melanin. Lastly, he challenges the disrespect and hatred for this dark skin covering the Most High chose to clothe his man with, which he also called "good." 

*** We are of one blood and equal ***

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