There about 170 million individuals covered by private health insurance. The average annual premium for employer-sponsored health insurance is roughly $20,576 for a family of four and $7,188 for an individual.
That’s a 54% increase from 10 years ago.
Employers can no longer sustain these increases.
The short-term fixes of raising copays, deductibles and other costs year of year just don’t cut it.
Shifting the costs to the employees has become a burden that is crushing organizations.
Guess what?
In some cases, when the premium is higher – the person selling the insurance gets paid MORE.
Yup, you read that right.
They get compensated for delivering bad news and horrible rate increases to their clients.
Imagine that.
However, not everyone is status quo.
My guest today is Daniel Corliss, Chief Executive Manager, at Stimulus for Business Initiative, and the Founding Partner of Business Stimulus Partners.
He is on a mission to challenge that status quo and has put together a partnership with some best-in-class health plan partners to make a real difference in the cost of care.
This idea was conceived out of chaos during the COVID-19 crisis knowing employers are suffering from revenue reductions, production slow-downs and shutdowns.
As an employer who has constantly struggled with putting together a comprehensive benefits package for my team and being able to make it affordable, it’s impressive to see what he is doing.
Such an important topic and I’m really excited to share some of what he’s up to.
CONNECT WITH DANIEL: (Website )| (LinkedIn )

There about 170 million individuals covered by private health insurance. The average annual premium for employer-sponsored health insurance is roughly $20,576 for a family of four and $7,188 for an individual.

That’s a 54% increase from 10 years ago.

Employers can no longer sustain these increases.

The short-term fixes of raising copays, deductibles and other costs year of year just don’t cut it.

Shifting the costs to the employees has become a burden that is crushing organizations.

Guess what?

In some cases, when the premium is higher – the person selling the insurance gets paid MORE.

Yup, you read that right.

They get compensated for delivering bad news and horrible rate increases to their clients.

Imagine that.

However, not everyone is status quo.

My guest today is Daniel Corliss, Chief Executive Manager, at Stimulus for Business Initiative, and the Founding Partner of Business Stimulus Partners.

He is on a mission to challenge that status quo and has put together a partnership with some best-in-class health plan partners to make a real difference in the cost of care.

This idea was conceived out of chaos during the COVID-19 crisis knowing employers are suffering from revenue reductions, production slow-downs and shutdowns.

As an employer who has constantly struggled with putting together a comprehensive benefits package for my team and being able to make it affordable, it’s impressive to see what he is doing.

Such an important topic and I’m really excited to share some of what he’s up to.


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