How do you feel issues surrounding gender and race are progressing in 2018? Sure, we try to keep things business-focused and objective, but when you spend as much time with people as we do and open up to one another, there are some concerns that we just can’t escape. The political and social climate that we're living in is incredibly challenging and it's time we open up in order to keep moving forward.   In this Episode, this Squadcast, this session for sharing and learning, we started by reflecting on guests from the last month and explaining the importance of each episode beyond what was originally spelled out. Justin Bua - the most popular urban artist of our time - had connection, focus and consistent vision; Karla Ticas - artist, photographer, business expert - had soul, passion and balance; and Sasha Perelman - badass entrepreneur, dream follower and visionary - had unrelenting ambition, confidence and foresight.   We threw ourselves into each episode and somewhere along way, after the knowledge dust had settled and the thicc lady was about to sing, we decided there were some underlying themes of the episodes that weren’t being addressed and that deserved our time and attention.   Please, open your hearts and ears and listen to this episode. The topics we cover are real, relevant and require resources before they can reconcile and seek out resolution. Alliteration aside, we want to hear your thoughts on what we cover and we want to hear you fight what is important to you. Give real feedback, share your story and your journey, and let’s continue to move things in the right direction.   Work hard, persist, grind, endure, experience, continue, push, last, craft, perfect, challenge...Hustle.