Mary O’Donohue is a Bestselling Author, Former Post Producer for The Oprah Winfrey Show, and a Media Coach for Authors. She draws on more than 30 years working behind the scenes in national television plus her experience as a parenting expert appearing in Media to teach authors how to get publicity and turn media interviews into powerful marketing assets.



In this episode, Karen and Mary discuss:

Success Story of Mary Commit to Get Leads Become a media anthropologist - consume and research the media in which you want to appear. Consult to Sell Blanket pitching doesn’t work. Zero in and pitch exactly what the media outlet you are reaching out to wants to see. Add value. You are on a level playing field with the media person.  Connect to Build and Grow Become a Friend of the Show. Stay in contact, keep in touch, keep adding value.  Success Thinking, Activities and Vision Have the mindset that you have value to offer. A media interview is not a favor, the media is trying to serve their own audience. Your biggest asset is clarity.  Sweet Spot of Success



"It's really, really important to understand that you're on a level playing field, you have something to offer, and to own your value."- Mary O’Donohue



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Connect with Mary O’Donohue:

Twitter: @Mary_ODonohue

Facebook: Mary O’Donohue Media


LinkedIn: Mary O’Donohue

Instagram: @maryodonohuemedia



About the Podcast

Join host Karen Briscoe each week to learn how you can achieve success at a higher level by investing just 5 minutes a day! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational success stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, business owners, industry leaders, and real estate agents that will transform your business and life. Karen shares a-ha moments that have shaped her career and discusses key concepts from her book Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day: Secrets of a Top Agent Revealed.


Here’s to your success in business and in life!


Connect with Karen Briscoe:

Twitter: @5MinuteSuccess

Facebook: 5MinuteSuccess


Email: [email protected]


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Learn more about Karen’s book, Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day


Karen also recommends Moira Lethbridge's book "Savvy Woman in 5 Minutes a Day"


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Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.



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