This week on 5.6.7.EIGHT, Aleksandra speaks with Angela Martindale, a female entrepreneur, public speaker, lifestyle expert, and influencer who is known globally for her fitness training techniques and methods, her inspirational public speaking, her lifestyle coaching, and her work with charitable organizations. Angela has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX affiliates and has worked with many A-list celebrities, Olympic athletes, and business moguls as their personal trainer and nutritionist.

Core to Angela’s inspirational message is the idea of self-love. In fact, Angela believes that the one thing that separates those who win from those who fold is a healthy self-talk — a belief in yourself. A belief that you are enough. Angela, who was bullied as a child, learned very early that a healthy self-esteem can not only pull you out of the pit but can also set you on a path to success. On the podcast, Angela tells her inspiring story and discusses how her successful career has been paved with healthy, positive affirmations.


Moving Quotes:

"Self-talk is very important. Everything starts with 'I am.' 'I am Angela Martindale. I am beautiful. I am successful.' Those two words — 'I am' — are the two most important words you can say to yourself. And it radiates out into the universe."

"When starting a business, be authentic. Be true to yourself... It has to be about what you're about. And every single person has that niche. That something that they love."

"The mind and a healthy self-talk separates Olympic athletes from regular athletes."

"I always tell my young dancers — the less processed foods that you can consume, the better... This body requires fuel. Really good, top-level fuel every day."

"When starting a business, don't overextend yourself. With money. With time. With energy. Keep very steady — slow and steady. Businesses take time. People don't become famous overnight."

"If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, latch onto a mentor. Get someone who can help you through those first processes or marketing thoughts and ideas. Hire someone. Ask someone in your sphere of influence. Because you can't do business alone."


Bullet Points (w/ timestamps) - Highlighting key topics discussed:

3:42: Angela discusses her current role and shares some advice on staying in shape.

8:05: Angela, a serial entrepreneur who has launched multiple successful brands, retells the origin stories of some of her brands.

12:00: Angela gives some advice for entrepreneurs looking to identify niche markets for their products. 

13:32: Martindale, who was bullied as a young person, discusses how she was able to overcome negativity and lead a life of success.

17:40: Martindale shares some advice for small businesses on taking strategic plans and putting them into action.

21:55: Angela discusses the value of mentors and the importance of acting fast and avoiding procrastination.

24:14: Angela unveils the single characteristic that separates entrepreneurs who succeed from those who fold.

27:14: Martindale, who has established several product-based businesses, explains the common starting points for getting those businesses off the ground.

30:49: Martindale discusses the incredible power of vision boards and writing down goals and aspirations.

39:23: Angela shares what’s next for her in her incredible life and career.


Bullet List of Resources – 

Angela Martindale

I Am Angela Martindale website Facebook LinkedIn