As is customary around these parts... we send off another great year in video game releases with our annual Awards show! Despite our best efforts to trim the fat, it's hard not to talk about the games that we love (and in some cases, hate) so enjoy another long episode! We talk about everything from hidden gems like Pseudorgalia, to indie bangers like Sea of Stars, to massive successes like Baldur's Gate 3! We even venture down some unexpected rabbit holes like the realistic snot that DEFINED Brad's moment of the year and the... tumultuous reactions to Starfield and Final Fantasy XVI.

Community Game of the Year Drawing Winners 2023 Regrets - The games we didn't get to Best World / Level Design Best Looking Game Best Video Game Moment Break - Best Soundtrack - Dave the Diver (Nolan) and Baldur's Gate 3 (Kris) Best Storytelling **BIG SPOILER WARNING FOR STAR WARS: JEDI SURIVOR (1:33:30)** Best Boss Fight Best New Character Break - Best Soundtrack - Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Redeemed (Ed) and Sea of Stars (Chris) Biggest Surprise Biggest Disappointment Won't Quit You, I Promise Break - Best Soundtrack - Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (Brad) and Hogwarts Legacy (Nick) Spotlight Award Asterisk Award