It has been a whirlwind week in the world of video games but more importantly, we are sporting new podcasting uniforms; In case there was any doubt that our nerdiness knew no bounds. Of course, we dip our toes in the big Unity debacle that has taken the industry by storm this week and we discuss a major departure from Respawn / EA. It is also a historic day in which a Nintendo Direct and Sony State of Play were held on the same day so we run through the highlights. In the second segment, Brad talks Pseudoregalia and we take our first stab at Starfield impressions which, thus far, is proving to be a bit of a mixed bag. Nick and Chris delve deeper into Sea of Stars and we discuss our time playing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre last week.

New Uniforms! News - Unity fucked up big time News - Stig Asmussen leaves EA / Respawn News - Nintendo Direct / Sony State of Play recaps Impressions - Pseudoregalia Impressions - Starfield Impressions - Sea of Stars Impressions - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4Player Minute