In this episode of 4D, Parm talks with Dr. Alexis Drutchas and Dr. Jaclyn Shameklis about creating open conversations with patients who have illnesses that can have drastic and lasting impacts on their lives. We discuss the Serious Illness Conversation Guide, and how it can be applied in a physical therapy setting, especially for patients with degenerative diseases. They build a case that having these conversations, early and often, allows health care providers to get to the root of what is important to patients and make the best recommendations in their area of expertise. We hope this podcast helps listeners think differently about and feel more confident when discussing prognosis and goals with patients with neurodegenerative conditions. 

Show notes available here:

Access the Serious Illness Conversation Guide here:

In this episode of 4D, Parm talks with Dr. Alexis Drutchas and Dr. Jaclyn Shameklis about creating open conversations with patients who have illnesses that can have drastic and lasting impacts on their lives. We discuss the Serious Illness Conversation Guide, and how it can be applied in a physical therapy setting, especially for patients with degenerative diseases. They build a case that having these conversations, early and often, allows health care providers to get to the root of what is important to patients and make the best recommendations in their area of expertise. We hope this podcast helps listeners think differently about and feel more confident when discussing prognosis and goals with patients with neurodegenerative conditions. 

Show notes available here:—2019/4d-episode-35-with-alexis-druchas-and-jaclyn-shameklis.pdf?Status=Temp&sfvrsn=46c15d43_2

Access the Serious Illness Conversation Guide here: