스카리 님을 모시고 PEP 572, 귀도 반 로섬 BDFL 은퇴, 귀도 반 로섬 이후의 파이썬 커뮤니티(PEP 8000-8016), 파이콘, Python Software Foundation 등에 대해서 이야기를 나눴습니다.

게스트: @scari_net
참가자: @raccoonyy, @nacyo_t, (@j2p_)

Transfer of power - python-committers | The Mail Archive
python-committers | The Mail Archive
Benevolent dictator for life - Wikipedia
PEP 0 – Index of Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) | Python.org
귀도 반 로섬 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
PEP 572 – Assignment Expressions | Python.org
Guido van Rossum on Twitter: “Thanks for all the support (email and Twitter). …
PEP 8000 – Python Language Governance Proposal Overview | Python.org
PEP 8001 – Python Governance Voting Process | Python.org
PEP 8002 – Open Source Governance Survey | Python.org
Python governance vote (December 2018): Results - Committers - Discussions on Python.org
PEP 8010 – The Technical Leader Governance Model | Python.org
PEP 8011 – Python Governance Model Lead by Trio of Pythonistas | Python.org
PEP 8012 – The Community Governance Model | Python.org
PEP 8013 – The External Council Governance Model | Python.org
PEP 8014 – The Commons Governance Model | Python.org
PEP 8015 – Organization of the Python community | Python.org
PEP 8016 – The Steering Council Model | Python.org
Python Software Foundation
Python Software Foundation News: CPython Core Developer Sprint 2018
501(c) organization - Wikipedia
Jobs Charted by State and Salary | FlowingData
PyCon APAC 2018
ConfConf 2016 - PyCon 2015 (Canada - Montréal ) by 김영근 - YouTube
PyCon PH 2018
Kris Shamloo on Twitter: “Python nerds: good at programming, good at packing swag bags. …
파이콘 한국 2018 준비위원회 모집 공지 | PyCon Korea
Python 3 Readiness - Python 3 support table for most popular Python packages
numpy/1.16.0-notes.rst at master · numpy/numpy
Django 2.0 release notes | Django documentation | Django

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