42 Minutes Bonus: Daniel D. Synder - The Chosen One - 04.21.15 The Force Awakens on 42 Minutes this week as we consider "The Messy, Misunderstood Glory of David Lynch's Dune" with culture writer, Daniel D. Synder. Topics Include: Dune, Jodorowsky, Archetypes, Star Wars, The Watchers, Jupiter Ascending, Wachowskis, Blade, Finn & Rey, Inner Angry Nerd, JJ Abrams, Rogue One, Secret War, Thomas Mallory. Read: "The Messy, Misunderstood Glory of David Lynch's Dune" at The Atlnatic http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/03/the-messy-misunderstood-glory-of-david-lynchs-em-dune-em/284316/ Investigate: Daniel D. Synder at The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/author/daniel-snyder/ Purchase: Dune at amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_ss_tl?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-keywords=dune&linkCode=ur2&tag=frthbeofthwh-20&url=search-alias%3Daps&linkId=C2KU74K7KXZMZN3J Read: "Fears of ISIS in Tatooine" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/24/isis-star-wars-tunisia_n_6936188.html https://twitter.com/danieldsnyder

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