UK-based American stand-up Taylor Glenn returns with another in her series of interviews with fellow comedians about life on and off stage. This week, Lindsay Sharman shares her journey with Taylor, finding humour in tragedy and debating the question of vulnerability on stage.

If this podcast gets you in the mood for more complimentary comedy therapy, be sure to check out Taylor's Edinburgh Fringe solo debut, Reverse Psycomedy at the Gilded Balloon Turret (Aug 1st-26th, not 13th, 23:30). Tickets are priced between £5 and £9 depending on the date of show (concessions and discounts are available) by visiting or by calling the box office on 0131 622 6552.

Lindsay is also appearing in two shows at Edinburgh 2012. First, there's George Ryegold's God-In-A-Bag, along with Red Dwarf's Hattie Hayridge and The Trap's Dan Mersh, at the Underbelly, Bristo Square at 13:45. Later. at 21:15, she'll be MCing Owen and Bettesworth's Sung and Unsung at Sweet Grassmarket. For more details on both shows including dates and ticket prices, visit the official Fringe website at