Hello hello!

Sorry not sorry for missing a week of podcasting. New baby means deadlines get pushed sometimes. And... my daughter is adorable!


375 million people in America... way off on that number. But whatever, I was just spit balling y'all.  Google says we are closer to 327 million. 

Okay so where do we currently stand on countries recognized by the UN and their replacement rate:

There are 196 countries recognized 

100 countries EXACTLY are at replacement rate or higher

92 countries (including the US) are below replacement rate

For my "Dooms Day" experiment we need:

The 92 below replacement rate to maintain to lack of commitment to building a personal army 

81 Additional countries would have to fall below replacement rate for 10 years to see if we are totally screwed or not =/

Check out this short documentary from Hans Rosling on Youtube titled DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about population: Here

Article about possible public school closures due to low birth rates: Here


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