Benji Bruce started his first business as an illusionist/mentalist.

He started learning magic when he was 10, and by 13 he was performing for tips in restaurants. 

Eventually he worked his way into the corporate market where he would get hired by companies like ReMax, Aflac, AAA, Best Buy, IBM, and more, as the keynote presenter and entertainer for their events. While performing, other entertainers and speakers began to ask Benji how he was getting hired by all these companies. So he started building an online training company.

However, Benji didn’t take the online business seriously because it didn’t make sense for him to put effort into selling an online program for $297 when he was getting 10-30k for appearing at events. Then ‘it’ happened.

Benji’s first breakthrough with the personal brand was when he hit $93,000 in a single month. After that, Benji said, “To hell with performing. I’m doing this online stuff.”