Topics We Cover On This Episode [1:59] It’s time to take a look at abortion in its proper context [4:53] What Steve learned from a college course on genocide [7:10] What is the definition of genocide? [9:43] Robert breaks down the history of genocide [12:45] The American atrocity that paved the way for abortion [17:29] The recipe for genocide [22:48] Why abortion is genocide [28:24] The part that technology and indifference play in perpetuating genocide [30:00] What is the believer’s role in the midst of the abortion genocide

What do you think about when you hear the word genocide? Since the origin of sin, the human race has sought to dehumanize a segment of its population. From the Aztecs to the Holocaust the value of human life has been edited to fit a definition of convenience rather than a universally true one. And while all genocide is an unfathomable tragedy there is no genocide that has claimed more lives than abortion. Join Shawn, Steve, and Robert as they explain why abortion is genocide on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Abortion is the textbook definition of genocide

You don't have to delve too far into the comment sections of the internet to find people who are offended by abortion being defined as a genocide. It seems that the culture’s go-to move to keep from having intelligent arguments in favor of their position is to hide behind that offense like a shield. However, when you look at the U.N. approved definition of genocide it’s hard to see abortion as anything but an act committed with the intent to destroy (in whole or in part) a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Learn more about how the definition of genocide directly applies to abortion on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

The world’s history of genocide paved the way for abortion

Since the dawn of time, the devaluation of human life has paved the way for the relatively global acceptance of abortion. Aztecs, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Nazis, and even so-called Christians committed atrocities that left the definition of person hood up to preference instead of the Word of God. Even events as recent as American slavery were instrumental in legalizing abortion. In context, Dred Scott set a dangerous precedent that opened the door for a ruling like Roe V. Wade. This week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast will dive deep into the pages of history to find out how humanity’s past has determined the present.

Every genocide needs a scapegoat and abortion is no exception

Scapegoating is a tactic used to orchestrate every major genocide in human history. Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s economic decline after World War I. Pol Put used western influence as a reason to murder 25 percent of Cambodia’s population. There is always a reason even if that reason is never good enough to end a human life. What makes the genocide of abortion so unique and terrifying is that you can have any reason to end the life of an unborn child. Economic circumstances, genetic disabilities, or even the child being unwanted are all good enough reasons for places like Planned Parenthood to murder the innocent. Discover why scapegoating is just as effective today with abortion as it has been with genocides of the past on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Understanding why abortion is genocide is the key to ending it

When you look at the numbers alone, abortion is the most horrific genocide in human history. 56 million children lose their lives each year in the name of words like “pro-choice” and “human rights”. The irony of the latter is almost a laughable offense because the main platform in favor of abortion works to dehumanize unborn children with words like “fetus” and “potential life”. However, when the truth is allowed to prevail over propaganda abortion is able to be unmasked as the genocide that it is. Imagine the potential for change if the social justice-minded generation of today was to grasp that reality. That would be the end of abortion. Gain the knowledge you need to define abortion for what it really is on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned Apply to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign next Spring! (applications open December 1st) Pick up a copy of Architects of the Culture of Death on Amazon Listen to Podcast #13 for the Top 5 Pro-Life Books Listen to Podcast #85 to learn more about abortion in Africa Watch Hotel Rwanda for a gripping film about the Rwandan genocide Check out the heart wrenching video Sing A Little Louder Get your free subscription to Day 41 Email us at [email protected] to learn how you can host a theater for the UnPlanned movie free of charge The Beginning of the End of Abortion - Pick up your copy on Amazon and leave a review! Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

What do you think about when you hear the word #Genocide? Join Shawn, Steve, and Robert as they explain why #Abortion is #Genocide on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife

#Abortion is the textbook definition of #Genocide. Find out why on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife

#DredScott set a dangerous precedent that opened the door for a ruling like #RoeVWade. Discover how slavery paved the way for #Abortion on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife

What makes the #Genocide of #Abortion so unique and terrifying is that you can have any reason to end the life of an unborn child. #40DaysforLifePodcast #ProLife #PrayforLife

Imagine the potential for change if the social justice-minded generation of today was able to grasp the reality that #Abortion is #Genocide. #40DaysforLifePodcast #PrayforLife

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