People often ask, "How many 40 Days for Life campaigns does it take to close an abortion facility?"

There's no easy answer to that question. Prayer is an important factor in closing abortion centers--but it's usually not the one one. On this week's episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we look at why abortion facilities close after 40 Days for Life campaigns:

Public vigils put pressure on property owners who lease to or give space to abortionists Prayer can help amplify the impact of pro-life legislation, making it difficult for abortion facilities to stay open By bumping the no-show rate for abortion appointments up to as high as 75 percent, 40 Days for Life vigils decrease abortion center clients Peaceful vigils magnify the impact of government defunding Abortion facilities in oversaturated markets are particularly vulnerable Public witness helps uncover abortion industry legal violations It's hard to find staffers to work at a facility where pro-lifers pray all day, every day. 

Listen in, and then submit your application to lead a 40 Days for Life vigil where you live at